Augmented Reality for Events

Breakpoint One supports all kinds of live events like festivals, concerts, street parades or sporting events. Integrate your performances with Augmented Reality and control them live. The future is now.

Showcase: AR in Stadiums

This video shows one of our custom AR events, where a dragon appears in a stadium for a halftime show.
The Augmented Reality content is being synced to the stadium sound system and was placed precisely by our latest geospatial technologies using GPS and visual positioning systems.

High Quality Brand Content

♦ create value
♦ raise engagement
♦ boost audience retention

Incorporate brands and sponsored content easily into your live event.

Receiving 100% focus by the audience creates value for all content.

Interaction with AR content increases engagement time.

Novel and unique live AR events drive social media shares and taking of photo and video as mementos.

Interactive Augmented Reality

♦ collaborative audience participation
♦ mini games
♦ audience avatars – virtual presence

Challenging Event Locations

♦ low-light or changing lighting
♦ without GPS coverage
♦ custom VPS solutions

Our solution works in locations where AR usually struggles such as low-light situations or venues with changing lighting.

A lack of GPS coverage, such as indoors or between tall buildings, is no problem with our customised visual positioning systems.

Challenging environments are handled by our computer vision experts by adapting our systems to the specific needs of your event location.

Large scale and distributed events

♦ street parades, car races, …
♦ multiple simultaneous locations
♦ remote viewing

Many thousands of audience members can concurrently participate.

Events that extend over an area of several kilometres are no problem. We have equipped street parades stretching multiple km with 500,000 people on site.

Multiple distributed locations simultaneously can be handled and even remote viewing from home is supported.

Remotely Control Augmented Reality

♦ enable AR elements
♦ control animations
♦ position AR elements
♦ track physical objects
♦ familiar control surfaces
♦ overview map
♦ crowd monitoring and guiding

Breakpoint one

We realize your ideas.


Olaf Sacher

T: +49 30 233 242 99

Office Berlin

Breakpoint One GmbH

Hufelandstraße 34
10407 Berlin

Our IT-Project Service Stack


AR / VR Consulting
Technical Feasibility Studies
Project Supervision
Technical Consulting & Due Diligence


AR / VR-Development
3D and Data Visualization
Mobile-, Desktop-, Web-Development